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Posts Tagged ‘the onion handwriting

Indiana Gives Cursive Handwriting the Finger

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Read a bit about our nation’s decline HERE.

Honestly, it sounds like something The Onion would have created to satirize both our failing public school system and our fixation with keeping kids in front of screens for as many hours as possible…

Handwriting as Art

Do we REALLY want our kids to learn to type 3 pages in one sitting instead of potentially gaining such an artful and personalized skill?

but it’s true. Handwriting is out – and it’s about time too, we need to start conditioning our youth as early as possible so they can be groomed to place in the prestigious Speed Texting Championships! Now we can train for cash prizes without bothering to get off our asses at all, much less see, touch, or smell another live human body!!

I’m interested to know what others think of this.  I see this as a terrible oversight, and a pathetic attempt for Indiana to prove to the world that they ARE current, in-the-know folk who’re up on all that tech-o-logical whoozimawhat, and NOT the hay-chewing, sheep fucking rednecks we all think they are.  Why do you think their license plate says “Crossroads of America?” Its just a place we use to get somewhere more important.

My point is this: throughout their educational path, engineers don’t use probably 90% of the intense math classes they have to take, but the extensive background makes them

1. Stronger problem solvers that can provide detail that they may need to dip into in the case that their software fails them.

2. A larger capacity and tolerance for this shit that only the engineer-iest of engineers can house in their skulls.

This decision is tossing this understanding of a well-rounded education out the window completely.  Sure, we do all use computers now, but there is a ton of foundational learning that we acquire by practicing language via handwriting that will go out the window. How will teachers get grammar across to kids when they think Microsoft Word is the magic pill?  Its already bad enough to where everyone that doesn’t have a good handle on “proper” grammar has their own broken style of grammar, lush with the same old mistakes again and again.

Am I the only one who’s worried about what comes next?